Thursday, November 12, 2009

First IUI today!

I can't believe I am even writing that we had an IUI. It has been so surreal. And so exciting. It has been wonderful to be excited about something for more than a day and not have it crashing down two seconds later.

This morning I woke up with such a peace. I thought I might be nervous and wondering if it was going to work, but I just had peace. I know it was from God. Everything went so smoothly. And it was over before I knew it. It was so nice to have JJ there in the office with me. It is so often that he is not. It was nice that we were still doing this together. We were even able to have some breakfast together which was nice. A calm relaxing peaceful morning. It was wonderful.

Now I have to come up with things to do during the dreaded 2ww. I test the day after Thanksgiving. Come on BFP!